Our annual fireworks display over Boggy Bayou could never happen without the generous support of our community sponsors. Please consider becoming a sponsor at any of the levels shown below.
Exclusive Stars & Stripes Title Sponsor (only 1 available): $10,000
- Named as the Exclusive Title Sponsor of 4th of July Fireworks Show
- Light Up the Bayou – Presented by <Your Company Name>
- Logo on digital billboards promoting fireworks show
- Primary Logo on Event Banner displayed on John Sims Parkway for 3 weeks
- Primary Logo on Event Banner displayed at Lincoln and Lions Park for 3 weeks
- Primary Logo on all printed materials
- Primary Logo on websites and email campaigns
- Inclusion in Radio Campaign
- Social media acknowledgement
- Logo on website
- Thank you in Press Release
Freedom Sponsor (only 2 available): $5,000
- Logo on Event Banner displayed on John Sims Parkway for 3 weeks
- Logo on Fireworks Banner displayed at Lincoln and Lions Park for 3 weeks
- Name/Logo on all printed materials
- Name/Logo on website and email campaigns
- Inclusion in Radio Campaign
- Social media acknowledgement
- Thank you in Press Release
Liberty Sponsor: $2,500
- Name on 4th of July Event Banner displayed on John Sims Parkway for 3 weeks
- Name on 4th of July Event Banner displayed at Lincoln and Lions Park for 3 weeks
- Name on all printed materials
- Social media acknowledgement
- Name on website
- Thank you in Press Release
Independence Sponsor: $1,000
- Social Media acknowledgement
- Name on website
- Thank you in Press Release
If you have contributed in the past we want to thank you and encourage you to continue to support this worthwhile cause. If this is your first opportunity to support the event, please consider joining this special group who are passionate about keeping the fireworks tradition alive.
To become a sponsor, please click the “Donate” button below and enter the amount for your desired sponsorship level, or send a check in that amount, payable to “Light Up The Bayou,” to:
Light Up The Bayou
206 Partin Drive North
Niceville, FL 32578
The Light Up The Bayou Committee